Blue Angel Cafe

There’s a place in my head
Think I won’t forget it till I’m dead
It ain’t real, I made it up
From an old picture that you shot

I've never been there
Does it still exist? I don’t care
It is mine, I made it up
Don't even know where that picture was shot

There you could begin or end
Anything you wish my friend
‘Cause everything’s OK
At the Blue Angel Café

Sometimes when there I go
My name I want everyone to know
Then the days I feel blue
To be on my own but not alone

Nothing to prove over there
No scores to compare
Oh, night or day
Live is on the easy way

Need to put to rest something
Any ghost you wish you bring
All the ones you lost one day
They're at the Blue Angel Café

Built that place it was for me
But you can use it, please feel free
With some help, I made it up
Thanks to an old picture that you probably forgot

If you wanna go
Please just let me know
I'll go back with you
I'll be happy to

Come and begin or end
Anything you wish my friend
All fantasies find their way
To the Blue Angel Cafe

Come and begin or end
Anything you wish my friend
All fantasies find their way
To the Blue Angel Cafe
To the Blue Angel Cafe

Esta canción es para los… ¿psicólogos?

Para los psicólogos, las fantasías de cada uno pueden situarse en dos extremos: tanto positivos como negativos. Fantasía: ¿esta palabra no hace pensar a la “Hada Campanilla”? A cada uno su percepción. Dejemos esto a su propia imaginación.

La letra ilustra bastante bien lo que apareció en mente durante su escritura. Un lugar imaginario inspirado por una vieja fotografía. Un lugar donde todas las fantasías se reencuentran.

En una sesión de improvisación, Sly encontró la progresión utilizada para las coplas. El resto vino simplemente.
